The HAL License is a perpetual license with one year of free updates from the date of purchase.
The TASC License is a perpetual license with one year of free updates from the date of purchase.
The TestStand License is a TestStand Deployment License.
TestPoint Framework Training is virtual, instructor-led training comprising approximately 120 hours of student learning time on the Testeract Framework, including the HAL and TASC. A bonus of approximately 40 hours of TestStand training is included.
The HAL Training is virtual, instructor-led training on the HAL comprising approximately 40 hours of student learning time.
The TASC Training is virtual, instructor-led training on TASC comprising approximately 30 hours of student learning time.
The Full On-Site Test Software and Framework Audit is an overall evaluation of risks within the test software or test framework that a company uses.
The Full On-Site Test Team Audit is a 2-day audit where we evaluate strengths and gaps in the test team itself. Testeract can generate a free report to help you determine whether you might need an audit.
Click here to take the pulse check to get a free report about your test team.The hardware and software obsolescence risk assessments are designed to help you find either hardware or software (depending on which you choose) vulnerabilities in your systems that could cause problems in the future.
The TestPoint License (part number L001) includes a perpetual license for Testeract HAL and TASC as well as one year of free updates from the date of purchase. The scope of license usage is determined by the license scope document.